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Книга на английском языке Grief Works Julia Samuel
  • Приватна особа

  • Стан: Нове

  • OLX Доставка


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320 страниц

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128 x 197 x 20 mm
Death is the last taboo in our society, and grief is still profoundly misunderstood. So many of us feel awkward and uncertain around death, and shy away from talking honestly with family and friends. Grief Works is a compassionate guide that will inform and engage anyone who is grieving, from the 'expected' death of a parent to the sudden unexpected death of a small child, and provide clear advice for those seeking to comfort the bereaved.

With deeply moving case studies of real people's stories of loss, and brilliantly accessible and practical advice,Grief Works will be passed down through generations as the definitive guide for anyone who has lost a loved one, and revolutionise the way we talk about life, loss and death.
ID: 781035501

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на OLX з жовтень 2014

Онлайн 26 лютого 2024 р.

xxx xxx xxx

Опубліковано 22 травня 2024 р.

Книга на английском языке Grief Works Julia Samuel

450 грн.




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