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The Pacific Century America and Asia in a Changing World Gibney редкая
The Pacific Century America and Asia in a Changing World Gibney редкая
The Pacific Century America and Asia in a Changing World Gibney редкая
The Pacific Century America and Asia in a Changing World Gibney редкая
The Pacific Century America and Asia in a Changing World Gibney редкая
The Pacific Century America and Asia in a Changing World Gibney редкая
The Pacific Century America and Asia in a Changing World Gibney редкая
The Pacific Century America and Asia in a Changing World Gibney редкая
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The Pacific Century America and Asia in a Changing World by Frank Gibney
Продам великолепно изданное книги известного американского писателя и журналиста Фрэнка Гибни - The Pacific Century.
Книга в отличном состоянии, объемное издание, в суперобложке, прекрасное качество переплёта, бумаги и печати. Множество редких иллюстраций и фотографий.

In this remarkably fluid synthesis of history, economics, politics and personal experience, Gibney, Asian editor of Encyclopedia Britannica and president of the Pacific Basin Institute, has produced a learned, sprightly guide to the countries of the Pacific. Conceived as a print companion for Public Broadcasting's TV program of the same name, the book travels seamlessly between ancient history and the modern era and traces the interactions of the West with the Orient, deftly bringing to life hundreds of the people who have played major historical roles. Gibney's wide-ranging analyses of current economic and political developments in China, Japan, Korea, Malaysia and Hong Kong - often critical of American and European policies - are temperate, persuasive and full of fresh insights into the cultures which are now moving to center stage in world affairs.

В этом удивительно увлекательном синтезе истории, экономики, политики и личного опыта Гибни, азиатский редактор "Британской энциклопедии" и президент Института Тихоокеанского бассейна, создал познавательный, яркий и увлекательный путеводитель по странам Тихоокеанского региона. Задуманная как печатное сопровождение одноименной телепередачи Общественного вещания, книга плавно переходит от древней истории к современной эпохе и прослеживает взаимодействие Запада с Востоком, умело оживляя сотни людей, сыгравших главные исторические роли. Широкий анализ Гибни текущих экономических и политических событий в Китае, Японии, Корее, Малайзии и Гонконге - часто критический по отношению к американской и европейской политике - сдержан, убедителен и полон свежих взглядов на культуры, которые сегодня выходят на центральную сцену в мировых делах.

The Pacific Century on the rise of East Asia was published in 1992. Starting in the mid-nineteenth century, it surveys the social and economic history of the region, highlighting Japan. Adapted into a ten-part series of the same name on the Public Broadcasting Service, it received an Emmy Award and featured the author. The Pacific Basin Institute, founded and led by Frank Gibney, was a co-producer of the PBS series.

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Scribner (October 1, 1992)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 596 pages
Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 3.11 pounds

Frank Bray Gibney (September 21, 1924 – April 9, 2006) was an American journalist, editor, writer and scholar. He learned Japanese while in the American Navy during World War II, then was stationed in Japan. As a journalist in Tokyo, he wrote Five Gentlemen of Japan, a popular book about the Japanese, welcomed for its humanism and for transcending the bitterness of war. A half dozen more books followed on Japan and East Asia. He also wrote on communism in Europe. At the Encyclopædia Britannica, he directed translations, and he was the founder of the Pacific Basin Institute.

Gibney wrote more than ten books, and co-wrote several more, about half on East Asia. In his five volumes about Japan there is much discussion of the Japanese economy and business practices, placed in cultural context.

"His debut book, Five Gentlemen of Japan (1953), was among the first to depict humanely the wartime enemy through portraits of a journalist, a naval officer, a steelworker, a farmer and Emperor Hirohito."It "gave many Americans their first real understanding of a country that was widely viewed as dangerous and mysterious." "In profiling a farmer, a former vice admiral in the Imperial Navy, a newspaperman, the foreman of a steel mill and Emperor Hirohito, Gibney offered an intimate glimpse into postwar Japanese society."

Elizabeth Gray Vining was a Quaker schoolteacher and former tutor of then Crown Prince Akihito, Hirohito's son. She praised Gibney for his 1953 Five Gents book and its "keen and careful analysis" in a New York Times book review. "Their portraits are drawn with sympathy and insight; none of them is caricature," she wrote. This was "so distinct from films and other propaganda" produced during the recent, hard-fought war in the Pacific.

Japan: The Fragile Superpower, his 1975 book, described how traditional Japan survived in the way modern commerce is practiced. Gibney "contrasted American and Japanese cultural and business traditions."

His 1982 book Miracle by Design celebrates the Japanese work ethic and overall team spirit in economic endeavors. One critic, however, notes here the commonplace comparisons between Japanese and American businesses, observing that Gibney knows the field and has "earned the right to be unoriginal."

The Pacific Century on the rise of East Asia was published in 1992. Starting in the mid-nineteenth century, it surveys the social and economic history of the region, highlighting Japan. Adapted into a ten-part series of the same name on the Public Broadcasting Service, it received an Emmy Award and featured the author. The Pacific Basin Institute, founded and led by Frank Gibney, was a co-producer of the PBS series.

While at the Encyclopædia Britannica he directed its translation into Chinese, Korean, and Japanese. A Japanese translation of the Encyclopedia appeared in 1975. The 1986 Chinese edition was evidently the "first non-Marxist reference work allowed in China."It was a 6-year effort in 10 volumes. The edition dealt "gingerly" with "sensitive" subjects.

Korea's Quiet Revolution (1992) "draws on his long personal experience in Korea" and provides an analysis of the economic growth and the emerging democracy. A brief survey of Korean history is followed by the Korean War (1950-1953), and the short-lived, democratic April Revolution of 1960 in South Korea (ROK). Ample attention is given to the extraordinary economic growth under the authoritarian rule of Park Chung Hee (1961-1979). Its focus then shifts back to the struggle for democracy, up to ROK President Roh Tae Woo (1988-1993).Two later chapters concern the regime in the north. An Appendix presents three articles by Gibney published in 1950, 1954, and 1977.

Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 3.11 pounds
Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 7.5 x 1.5 x 9.25 inches
Фрэнк Брэй Гибни был американским журналистом, редактором, писателем и ученым. Он выучил японский язык во время службы в американском флоте во время Второй мировой войны, а затем находился в Японии.
Best book on asian history around.
Слегка примялся супер от стояния на полке, внутри как новая.

Уникальное, редкое издание.

В Одессе возможна личная встреча в центре города, подключена олх-доставка.
ID: 762960826

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The Pacific Century America and Asia in a Changing World Gibney редкая

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